Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Drowsy Chaperone and Intimate Apparel

     As a student, I am required to take a few general education classes. I decided to get involved in theater. I am taking Theatre 100 and I am having a blast with this class. It is online, but I recently went to both of the UM-Flint plays on campus and would like to share my experience with my first play ever at school's theater.
     The first show I went to was called The Drowsy Chaperone. It was a musical about a man, who acted kind of as a narrator, who is listening to the record for this musical, and as he takes us through each song, we are introduced to the plot of the play. The story of the play was about a a young woman names Janet, who is giving up fame and fortune to marry Robert Martin. Janet is a star of a show called "Feldzeig's Follies" and this show has a lot of money to offer to her. Her producer, Feldzeig, comes along with her to try and stop the wedding so she does not give up on this show. Feldzeig is threatened by two "gangstas" pretending to be chefs so Feldzeig will make sure Janet will partake in these next follies. Feldzeig hires Adolfo, a Latin bumbler to try and seduce Janet. However,  Adolfo mistakes Janet for her Chaperone and they begin a romance. The Chaperone is a drunk and lousy Chaperone considering she lets Janet run off to her groom although it is the day of the wedding. Meanwhile, Janet doubts her love for her groom so she dresses up as a French lady and seduces Robert, who ends up kissing this "french lady." Janet walks out and the wedding is called off. However, Adolfo and the Chaperone decide to get married. Feldzeig and the two "chefs" are thrilled. In the end though, Janet and Robert confess their love for each other and get married and run off with the entire cast to the honeymoon and are flown away by a random aviator named Trix. The entire musical takes place in the apartment of this man in chair. The wedding broken up and then back on again all had to do with the Drowsy Chaperone letting Janet escape to see Robert.
      Overall, it was very ironic, funny, upbeat and I enjoyed the play. I am actually going to try and look into this play on Broadway. I think the UM-Flint students did a great job and I would definitely recommend this play to everyone!
     The second play I attended to was Intimate Apparel. Intimate Apparel was a play about an African American woman, Esther, who lives in a boarding house with her mother hen and maid Mrs. Dickson. Esther is aging and loves her life but is not happy about the fact that she is not married without kids. Esther sews clothing, especially intimate apparel for her only friend and prostitute Mayme and a wealthy, secret friend Mrs. Van Buren. She buys all of these fabrics from Mr. Marks, the owner of the fabric store. He is a Caucasian male. Esther desires for a husband. Mysteriously, Esther receives a letter from George Armstrong, an African American man from the Panama Canal. Esther cannot read or write so Mrs. Van Buren and Mayme help her write and send these letters. Eventually, George asks for Esther's hand in marriage and the day they meet face to face is on their wedding day. After marriage, Esther finds out George is not the man he said he was in the letters. Come to find out, George cannot write either and he paid someone to write the letters. George is having an affair with Mayme and Esther quickly learns of this. Her and George act like they are going to work things out but she gives him all of her life's savings and he runs off with it and goes to Mayme. Esther realizes after a while that her true love is Mr. Marks, but she is forbidden to love and be with him. In the end, Esther is left with no money, husband, and is back to sewing clothes.
     In my opinion, the story line was great, but I thought the acting was a little boring. I was impressed by the set and costumes. I truly enjoyed the experience but I wish I could have been more entertained. Overall, the story was great and I am sure it is a hit on Broadway. I just wish the characters had been more excited about the roles.
     In sum, my first two experiences at UM-Flint theater were fantastic. I enjoyed the plays, one a little more than the other, but I am starting to think of theatre as a minor. Is anyone in class with a theatre major/minor that could give me more info? I would greatly appreciate it. By the way, here are two links for the Broadway shows of these two shows! Click for more information. Have a great Thanksgiving, I'll post probably again after the holiday and Black Friday!
     Links: The Drowsy Chaperone and Intimate Apparel

1 comment:

  1. How cool! I love theather, and I miss going to plays since I moved here from Chicago 10 years ago. I have been to a few high school productions locally, but I'll have to go to the productions at U of M-Flint. I have heard that they are affordable yet very well directed!
