As a college student, times always seem hectic. This week, I had so much to do. I had two exams, a quiz, two papers due, and four days of work. Plus, I try to have a social life. Sometimes, that is the most lacking part of my life which is sad because I love my friends and family. This morning, I woke up to the first sign of snow. That made me happy because I love the first days of winter. It means that Christmas is family and that means family time! This week, I am just trying to wrap my finger around all that needs to be done before the semester is over. I have finals coming up. If you have read my recent posts about studying, you can also use those tips in order to study for finals and write paper. My number one piece of advice again is DON'T PROCRASTINATE!
When times are stressful, it feels as if the days will never be over. Normally I can't believe how the time flies. Nowadays though, I am overly stressed. I am tired. I got sick last week because of my lack of sleep. I had too much to do. After this week settles down, I am planning on sleeping ALL weekend. I am a Twilight fan so I will be one of those who are buying the release of Eclipse on DVD Friday night. I am looking forward to a nice night, cuddled up to a fire watching that! We are also decorating our tree this weekend. I already explained to you that we have a real tree and it is my favorite time of the year. I also plan to do a little shopping. I went up to Birch Run last weekend. I finished my boyfriend and family. All that's left to do are my friends. Christmas gifts are either hard or easy. Gifts cards were a great invention, but year after year, they get boring. If anyone has any ideas about gifts, let me know!
Other than that, I plan on relaxing. I feel that is the best way to ever relieve stress. Spending time with family is the best way also. Laughing is the greatest gift in life and it is free! Don't ever take advantage of it. Plus, it's a great way to get a six-pack! I know this was a complete random post but I had a lot on my mind! I am posting a video that will make everyone laugh. Enjoy the cheer around and don't stress too much. Always know there are people to talk to! Since I read my paper in class this week, I want to talk to you guys about my eating disorder experience in my next post. Have a great week! Also, here is a link for some stress-reliever tips!
I completely agree with you that laughing is the greatest gift in life. Everything is so much better with some humor. I don't know what I'd do without it. I think it's overlooked sometimes and people don't realize how important it is, but I know that it is truly one of the greatest things we have. Laughing is my favorite :)