Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A little ahead of myself!

I went back over my last few posts and realized I have been talking about Christmas more than Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving is next week! Normally for Thanksgiving, my grandparents from Florida fly-in. However, since my grandpa is older and his immune system is not as efficient, my immediate family and I are on our own. Last year, we have everyone over at our house. My mom cooked the best turkey I have ever eaten. My favorites on Thanksgiving are the turkey, ham, macaroni and cheese, pumpkin bread, and stuffing. I am not a fan of cranberries, mashed potatoes, or gravy (yikes!). It is funny that everyone always says that there is something in turkey that makes us sleepy. I recently learned in my biology class that is untrue. The real reason we get tired is because all of the blood in our body is directed to our stomach because we just ate so much and we do not have as much oxygen and blood going to our head, which in turns makes us sleepy! Very interesting I thought. Here is a link for more info about this myth.
Since it will just be my family and me, we decided to have our turkey dinner around 4 in the afternoon. Then, since we recently just purchased a wii game system, we rented a few fun games and are going to have family game/movie night. My family and I love to have game and movie nights. We are all very competitive too! My favorite part about Thanksgiving is after dinner, we start a fire and sit and talk about life. Since we are all busy and all over the place all the time, we do not have enough family time anymore. Family is the most important part about life though. Also, we start talking about Christmas and the family gift we would all like to purchase. Since we are annual Black Friday Shoppers, we barely go to bed. We stay up until about two, get ready, and go shopping until about noon. The rest of the day, we sleep! However, depending on what time of day I work on Black Friday, we may have to adjust our schedule!!
Black Friday Shoppers!
Once Thanksgiving passes, schools begins to really fly-by and sooner or later, the end of the semester is over and then Christmas and New Years. It is crazy how this is my 20th Thanksgiving already. Now that I am older, I am appreciating the family time and the time off my busy schedule. I hope everyone has plans and a wonderful Thanksgiving! My next post, I will walk more in detail about the upcoming end of semester and the stresses and worries!


  1. Your Thanksgiving sounds like it would be fun. I don't usually go Black Friday shopping but it's cool that you guys do.

  2. I love having game nights or something with the family. Recently, my family has done apples to apples after dinner or deal or no deal. It is very true, I feel like there's hardly any family time anymore, so it's nice when people can still sit down for Thanksgiving and have a good family meal. Such a great day of the year!
